Do scholastica articles allow open review?

Posted by Jeff Leek, community karma 47

Is it possible to allow open review, where the comments/ratings of referees are available to the public and signed with the referees names? Here is an example of a journal that does this:

It would be great if you could sort articles by referee ratings when they are public. Is there any chance this feature could be implemented? 

over 11 years ago


Rob Walsh, community karma 1466

Hi Jeff,

Great question!

Currently Scholastica only supports single, double, and triple blind review for journals using the system. With that said, we do have plans for implementing open review.

Open review means different things to different people however and we'd love all the input we can get to get this feature right. I'd love to set up a time to talk to get a better idea of what you would hope to get out of a journal set up with an "open review" model. Feel free to email me at and we can set something up.

over 11 years ago
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Andrew Varnell, community karma 29

Look forward to this feature.

over 11 years ago
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