Does Scholastica work with Crossref and the DOI system?

Posted by Dale Reardon, community karma 77



I tried looking at the tour but seems the tour is mainly screen shots and since I'm vision impaired that didn't work for me.


Does the journal system work with Crossref and the DOI system for archival purposes?


Also what about LOCKSS/CLOCKSS archiving?


We need the full feature set that OJS has - maybe you do offer this but can't find details.


A nice document comparing your system to OJS would be great - I don't mean criticising them but just factually pointing out the differences would be really useful.






about 12 years ago

1 Comment

Brian Cody, community karma 169472

Hi Dale –

We are working to add archive options that our journals want. One of the first archival services we added integration for was, which is the standard pre/post-print repository archive for "Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics". For anyone interested in LOCKSS/CLOCKSS archive, or another solution, just let us know your preference via the Contact Us form.

We are working with journals to automate the DOI registry process, and the best way to do that is to have active journals who want to work with us to do so. If your journal is either up-and-running or ready to get started and want to get your DOI system setup, just let us know and we'll work with you one-on-one.

Lastly, sorry about the visual-only aspect of the tour – we list features throughout the site, but not in a central location. We have some solutions to that coming down the pipeline, and we'll let you know when that's out. In the meantime, definitely feel free to contact us to setup a phone call or Skype and we'll walk you through the system and answer any questions you have.

about 12 years ago
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